Monday, August 30, 2010

Vheissu: Who Are You?

Our Identity is found in Christ

What makes up our identity? Is it the jobs we work? The cars we drive? The clothes we wear?

If we acknowledge that there is something greater in the world than us, then we have the hope that we can each be something greater than ourselves. We don’t have to live our lives pursuing simple pleasures. There is something greater ahead that we can daily look forward to!

Without a loving Creator, what meaning does your life have besides seeking simple pleasures? What a sad, purposeless life it would be to live without a relationship with God. And nobody has to live that way! Jesus wants to have a relationship with you. Every human being is equally guilty of sin, so do not tell yourself that you are alone undeserving of God’s grace. We are all undeserving of God’s grace. That’s what makes it so gracious! But those willing to admit their guilt and ask forgiveness will have God’s blessings poured out on them. If you are done with pursuing simple pleasures, always looking for the next high, never feeling fulfilled, and you want to start living your life with a higher purpose, then begin your relationship with Jesus today. Pray to him. Admit your guilt. Ask for forgiveness. Receive forgiveness. No longer be a slave to sin!


Who would others say that you are? Who would you say you are? Who do you want to be? Is there any discrepancy between the answers to these three questions? Leave your comment!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sanctum: Living in and apart from the world

A look at daily Evangelism

If you knew Jesus were returning in 24 hours, what would you do? I recently read an interview with artist Jimmy Needham that asked a similar question. His reply made me think hard about the way that I live my daily life.

If we knew Christ were to return tomorrow, many of us would excitedly share the gospel with everyone we could. The reality is, nobody knows when Christ is coming (1 Thessalonians 5:2). So the question is, why are we not living that way now? We hold in our possession the greatest news the world has ever known! We should be passionate about sharing it with everyone we can.

Before his ascension, Jesus Christ instructed us to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). This requires us as Christians to live among those blinded by the world system in a way that is holy; holiness that God has given us through his grace. We must be “in the world, but not of the world” (1 John 2:15-17). We must walk this fine line, being “all things to all men” in order to save some (1 Corinthians 9:22).

What do you think?

If you knew Christ were returning tomorrow, what would you do? What things should Christians do in their daily lives to evangelize? Leave your comment!

Song of the day

Grace Amazing - Jimmy Needham ft. Trip Lee

Is America a Christian Nation?

America’s fractured religious identity

Depending on the study you look at, 70-80% of Americans consider themselves to be Christians. Undoubtedly, Christianity has shaped and guided much of America’s social and cultural structure. Yet, despite its Christian majority, America has a fractured religious identity.

Christianity Today published a survey that identifies 5 different types of Christians in America:

Active Christians 19%

  1. Believe salvation comes through Jesus Christ
  2. Committed churchgoers
  3. Bible readers
  4. Accept leadership positions
  5. Invest in personal faith development through the church
  6. Feel obligated to share faith; 79% do so.
Professing Christians 20%
  1. Believe salvation comes through Jesus Christ
  2. Focus on personal relationship with God and Jesus
  3. Similar beliefs to Active Christians, different actions
  4. Less involved in church, both attending and serving
  5. Less commitment to Bible reading or sharing faith
Liturgical Christians 16%
  1. Predominantly Catholic and Lutheran
  2. Regular churchgoers
  3. High level of spiritual activity, mostly expressed by serving in church and/or community
  4. Recognize authority of the church
Private Christians 24%
  1. Largest and youngest segment
  2. Believe in God and doing good things
  3. Own a Bible, but don't read it
  4. Spiritual interest, but not within church context
  5. Only about a third attend church at all
  6. Almost none are church leaders
Cultural Christians 21%
  1. Little outward religious behavior or attitudes
  2. God aware, but little personal involvement with God
  3. Do not view Jesus as essential to salvation
  4. Affirm many ways to God
  5. Favor universality theology

What do you think?

Is America a Christian nation? What exactly is a “Christian nation”? How does this affect America’s political climate? Leave a comment!

Song of the day

Lecrae - Identity Ft. Da T.R.U.T.H and J.R